What is a lifestyle: what it says about you – A lifestyle is the set of attitudes besides deeds that people adopt and develop individually or collectively. On the way to satisfy their needs as human beings and achieve their personal development.

What should you do before Christmas 2021 to take care of your weight?

Before Christmas 2021, we propose a simple personalised test to understand your eating habits better and have a personalised plan to help you get to know yourself better and have eating habits designed for you.

Benefits of obtaining a Nutritional Counseling

If you don’t know which supplements or foods are best for you, the nutritionist will guide you free of charge and give you the health advice you need.

Your Nutritionist will accompany you daily

what is lifestyle?

what is lifestyle

In 1986, the Ecosphere Health Body ( WHO ) defined lifestyle as

“ an overall way of life grounded on the interaction among living settings in a broad sense and individual patterns of behaviour resolute by socio-cultural factors and personal characteristics ”.

The lifestyle we adopt has an impact on both physical and mental health. A healthy routine has a confident effect on health. The problem includes regular exercise, proper and healthy eating, drinking enough quality water (for example, with a purifying water dispenser ), enjoying free time, socialising activities, maintaining high self-esteem, etc.

An unhealthy lifestyle is the cause of numerous diseases, such as obesity or stress. It includes consuming toxic substances (alcohol, drugs), smoking, a sedentary lifestyle, rushing, pollutant exposure, etc.

Remember that you can have different lifestyles throughout your life—some healthier than others. Lifestyles depend on you and your attitude towards your daily habits.

Improve nutrition for a healthy lifestyle

You are at home, in the office, at work, in the car, etc., thinking about what you can do to change some aspect of your life that, for now, you don’t like how you are doing (diet, stress, relationship with your children, exercise, eating habits, free time, etc.). You are searching the Internet for guidelines for a healthier life.

My diet limps: The myths about nutrition that have made you believe (Dissemination-Self-help)

The sugars should always be honey or whole cane sugars and, if possible, even better if they are organic (this already depends on each one’s pocket, what stores or products we have near the area, etc. ).

You always have fresh products at home, such as fruits, vegetables, tubers, eggs, meat, fish, cheese, etc. It is essential to have both dried and cooked legumes in the pantry (lentils, beans, chickpeas, peas, etc.).

The dried fruits.  They are another product that we must have in our kitchen. They must be natural or baked, better than fried because of the saturated fats. It is a perfect complement to healthy diets as they provide us with fat, satiety and vitamins (if you want to lose weight, nuts should be eaten in small quantities as they are satiating).

In this section, you can also include dehydrated fruits (raisins, plums, and dried apricots, as long as no sugar has been added). They are a rich source of fibre, vitamins and minerals and a delicious “candy” for you and your children. Maybe the first time you don’t like it. But they are sweet and delicious things don’t always work out the first time. Moreover, be constant and minor by little, we will change our palate and tastes.

What foods and in what proportion should you eat

We have already seen that we should buy fresh and, if possible, unprocessed food for a healthy diet. The next issue is its distribution in our daily diet. Experts recommend 50% fruit and vegetables and the rest of that 50% between proteins (meat, fish and legumes), healthy fats (nuts, avocados and olive oil). Eggs and healthy carbohydrates (brown rice, potatoes, yuccas, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, quinoa, etc.).

  • See the free meal plan example.

Physical activity for a healthy lifestyle

Changing to a healthy lifestyle is changing habits, and habits are not only about food. However, daily physical activity plays a crucial role. Start choosing to go up and down stairs instead of using the elevator.

Try to go to work on foot or by bicycle, dedicating the journey to walking and thinking in a relaxed way about what you need at that moment. If you can, leave the car parked. Your pocket and your body will thank you.