Hair care in Autumn – Autumn is when hair tends to fall out more than usual. Usually, you the primary care to maintain your hair health at this time.

Ten tips to take care of hair in autumn

Autumn arrives, and I,t need to take care of my hair so that it does not suffer from the sudden temperature transition. In this year’s season, the humidity increases, and the hair becomes brittle and tends to frizz and dull.

In addition, the decrease in hours of natural light has an impact on hair growth. Therefore, in this period, the fall of the strands is usually frequent. Fortunately, some precautions that allow you to counteract these effects. Discover them!

Why is it essential to take care of hair in the fall?

The Journal of the Faculty of Medicine of the National Autonomous University of Mexico highlights that hair is an essential annexe of the skin, responsible for protecting it against external elements, for the dispersion of products secreted by the sebaceous glands and for both sensitive and visual functions. psychosocial relevance. It also protects the scalp from ultraviolet rays and cold.

Taking care of hair is a permanent commitment, and routines should be adapted to the year’s season.

In autumn, the life cycle of the hair fibre ends, so you lose hair to make way for new strands. Some people describe the process as seasonal, but scientific evidence is needed to certify it.

The Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AEDV) argues that autumn does not represent fall but the renewal of strands. The hair dies and falls because new hair pushes it to be born.

Often, during the fall, hair loss is more abundant than usual.

Recommendations to take care of hair in autumn

It is advisable to apply particular care in favour of hair health to reduce the impact produced by the autumn environment.

1. Protect from heat

The best thing will always be to avoid irons, curling irons and hair dryers, leaving the task outdoors. These devices dry out the tips and affect the capillary structure.

However, when its use is unavoidable, spray a thermal protector. You protect the hair more if you remove the excess moisture before the hot air with a microfiber towel.

An alternative is to turn to intelligent versions of heating devices designed to adapt the temperature to the type of hair and its needs.

2. Use appropriate brushes

Detangling hair with natural bristle brushes prevents strands from breaking. The softness and flexibility provided by the sliding of these tools are suitable for all hair.

3. Massage the scalp

Massages on the skin of the hair activate the blood supply, which is essential in autumn when the scalp tends to dry out more. The circulation intervenes so that the nutrients reach the root of the hair; you promote it by rubbing the head with your fingertips.

  • If you wish, massage with an exfoliant, which contributes to hygiene oxygenation and adds volume.

5. Pack

Conditioners help to moisturise the hair and prevent it from breaking while you style it. Use it frequently, but not on the roots, making the scalp oily.

Choosing a product according to the hair type is vital because they have the right ingredients to strengthen the strands and improve appearance.

Drinking plenty of water is beneficial for capillary hydration.

6. Reinforce feeding

Both the appearance and the strength of the hair are related to food. The consumption of proteins, iron and magnesium are essential for capillary health.

Vitamins A, B, C, D and E, selenium and zinc are micronutrients linked to the normal development of the hair follicle; their deficiency is linked to hair loss, says a study published by Dermatology and Therapy.

Opting for oral supplementation is feasible, although you can also get your nutrients from foods such as:

  • Eggs
  • Broccolis
  • Papaya
  • Avocado
  • Nuts
  • Bluefish.
  • Mutton

7. Do not wash daily

Although it is essential to remove dirt, it is appropriate to wash the hair every 2 or 3 days in cold weather. In this way, you conserve the natural oils that favor hydration to a greater extent.

In addition, washing with warm water is preferable since wetting it with hot water damages the cuticles and increases porosity. If your hair tends to be oily, dry shampoo is an excellent alternative to clean the roots.

8. Cut the ends

Please clean up the hair by cutting the ends, especially when theow the frontage of the summer season. If you trim, you remove dry bits and bobby pins, which prepares the fibres to assimilate the unique treatments, vitamins, and nutrients that prevent hair loss.

Cutting the ends of the hair is a measure with many benefits for hair health.

9. No warm bows

Pressed ponytails can lead to traction alopecia. If you wear a collected hairstyle, ensure it is not too tight.

10. Apply the right products

The nutrients the hair receives correspond to its type, besides contributing to minimising the effects of the autumn climate. At least once a week, use natural masks or serums with softening, anti-loss and therapeutic properties.

As for cleansers, select drag shampoos without sulfates or silicones. In addition, complement it with a conditioner that does not require rinsing. If the hair is dyed, it demands adequate formulas to preserve colour and hydration.

Eliminating stress helps take care of hair in autumn

Some people experience anxiety or stress when noticing hair loss in the fall, even if it consists of a natural replacement. It is essential to relax to reduce any alteration of the hair cycle.

Information released by the National Library of Medicine of the United States specifies that physical or emotional stress causes half to three-quarters of hair to fall out, either when combing, washing or just passing the hands. They prevent this situation in autumn or any year’s season, giving hair the attention it deserves.