Eyeliner – Putting on makeup is a way to pamper yourself, enhance natural beauty and improve the appearance that we want to show. Currently, many women use cosmetics such as eyeliner or eyeliner to highlight some of their facial features and hide others in order to feel more comfortable with themselves.

Yes, we are going to talk about that element of continuous war with which it is always difficult for us to achieve the same result in both eyes: the eyeliner or eyeliner, which is becoming more and more essential in our toiletry bags. Do you want to know why? Then read on!

The most important

  • The eyes are the part of the face that manifests the most expressiveness in any person. To give more strength to the look, we find eyeliner, a fundamental cosmetic used to highlight the contour of the eye that cannot be missing in our bag.
  • It seems basic, but to understand the importance of a good eyeliner, we will tell you, among other things, what its advantages are, the types that exist and the results that can be obtained if applied correctly. To achieve this, we will give you some useful tricks so that the eyeliner does not resist you.
  • Suppose you are thinking about which may be the best for you later. In that case, we will tell you some criteria you should consider when buying it, such as the form of application, the duration of the eyeliner, the texture, the colours that you can find and the composition or ingredients they contain.

The best eyeliners on the market: our recommendations

Next, we have selected the best eyeliners you can buy to help you decide which one best suits your needs. Our recommendations are:

Shopping Guide: What you should know about eyeliner

Once you have decided to buy an eyeliner, you must consider a series of relevant questions since not all of them are the same, and each can offer you a different result. To do this, in this unit, we will answer the most common questions among users.

What are the advantages of using eyeliner?

The use of eyeliner has a series of observable advantages in the process and results obtained after its application. Here are the most common benefits and drawbacks:

What types of eyeliner are there?

The perfect corner exists, and with the variety of eyeliners we currently find and the power of transformation they have, we have to find the one that best suits your needs. Next, we show you in the table what are the positive and negative characteristics of each type:

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What results can we achieve with eyeliner?

To see the results of a good eyeliner, we are going to show you what each type of eyeliner looks like, including the most prominent and sought-after by users:

  • DoubleClickIt is one more step of the classic makeup. It helps to lengthen the line of the upper eyelid, highlighting the lashes, so we achieve a larger look with a double corner.
  • Classic-styleIt is a very simple and basic style. With this outline, we highlight the eyelashes without lengthening the eyelid’s line. Therefore, here we do not have the famous corner.
  • Double modVery fashionable nowadays, here the mascara is very important since it gives a doll effect.
  • Soft smokeGet a more intense look by applying the powder eyeliner and smudging the corner for a smoky effect.
  •      Arabic. +For this situation, the eyeliner is applied to both the upper and lower eyelids, further underlining the profundity of your look, counting the corner toward the end.
  •      Sixties style. 60’s style; here, the corner isn’t drawn, yet both the lower and upper lines are all around featured, making them thicker.

How to apply eyeliner easily?

We have reached the peak moment since here is the great difficulty for the majority. We will teach you the best step-by-step tricks for applying your eyeliner to find out which are the simplest forms of application and the most desired results.

Here are some of the infallible secrets for a perfect eyeliner or liner:

  1. If you want it to be the same in each eye, use tape to mark the line you must follow on the upper eyelid and get a perfect corner without going out. Place it above the upper lashes and also under the lower ones.
  2. You can also use a spoon to guide you, obtaining the desired curvature according to its placement.
  3. You can first draw the line to follow as a guide with a pencil and then fill it in.
  4. As an additional trick, if you want the eyeliner to last longer, apply a makeup base to the eyelid, and it will make your eyeliner adhere better.
  5. If you use shadows, use them first to prevent the liner from messing up.
  6. Finally, you can apply concealer with a fine brush to better define the line or avoid having to start over if you’ve made a mistake.