Discover how to remove pimples easily – Pimples appear most often in adolescence, but it is possible to have them in your 20s, 30s, or 40s. Regardless of age, the causes are the same: they form mainly due to increased sebum production (or hypermenorrhoea).

The sebum then favours the development of bacteria present in a natural state at the level of the follicles, causing irritation, redness, inflammation or pimples. It should also be noted that certain factors can aggravate the formation of pimples and acne: stress, smoking, pollution, taking medications or the hormonal cycle.

Types of Grains

There are different types of grains, classified here according to their level of development.

Black Dots

Blackheads or open comedowns appear because the pores become clogged by accumulating dead cells and bacteria. They turn black because the sebum oxidizes and blackens when in contact with air. This is the first manifestation of acne.

Red Beans

Red pimples or bumps are the result of infection from blackheads. When inflamed,, they turn red and enlarge. This is when pimples, often painful, form on the skin (nodules or cysts).

White Beans

White pimples or pustules appear when red spots are inflamed. To fight microbes, white blood cells produce pus that becomes visible on the surface.

Do you know how to remove pimples? For each grain, a solution.

Before explaining to you how to remove pimples simply, it is essential to know that regardless of the type of pimples, you should adopt the good habit of cleansing your skin every morning and every night, using products adapted to each type of skin.

This process eliminates excess sebum, dead cells and impurities accumulated throughout the day—a good way to prevent the appearance of problems and not have to know how to remove pimples.

For example, Visibly Clear ® Spot Proofing ™ Daily Cleanser is a good product that will help you get cleaner, fresher skin every day and result in blemish-free skin.

remove blackheads

To avoid the appearance of blackheads, it is advisable to accompany daily cleaning with exfoliating products 1 to 2 times a week. These unclog the pores in-depth, dissolving excess sebum and leaving the skin healthy and smooth. A lotion can also complete this cleaning to close the pores for even cleaner skin.

Remove red pimples.

To remove red pimples, it is necessary to choose suitable products that treat them, favouring their reduction and helping to prevent the formation of new spots. These leave the skin soft and clean in the first place. In the case of painful red spots, there are soothing gels that aim to calm them down while providing a feeling of freshness.

Remove white pimples.

To remove white pimples, what you should never do is pop them. This can cause aggravation and increase the risks of marks on the face (or body). They must be treated daily, like red pimples, with a suitable washing product and targeted,, soothing care.

Beauty routine to prevent pimples

1. Start with a skin cleansing routine

The first thing you should do to know how to prevent pimples is to start with the most critical step: cleaning, which is not just lathering and rinsing.

The key to getting clean skin starts with discoveringng the right cleaner for your skin type anconsistentlyin using the product twice a day.

One of the best ways to prevent pimples is products with salicylic acid, an ingredient that removes dead skin cells and unclogs pores. A daily cleanser such as Neutrogena ® Visibly Clear ® Spot Proofing™ Daily Cleanser or Neutrogena ® Visibly Clear ® Spot Proofing™ Daily Exfoliator Oil Free with Salicylic Acid contains just the right amount of salicylic acid to maintain pores clean with daily use.

2. Be careful with facial scrubs

Exfoliation is a significant part of skincare. It will allow you to remove dead cells to promote cell regeneration, improve oxygenation and restore softness and luminosity to the skin.

First, you should not overdo it with exfoliation because it can increase inflammation, which is why it is recommended to exfoliate facial skin only 1 or 2 days a week, depending on the exfoliator.

Also, you shouldn’t fall for common exfoliating mistakes: forget about pressing too hard when applying the exfoliator and choose one according to your skin!

3. Put a moisturizer in your life!

Also, be sure to use a mild moisturizer and sunscreen daily to keep skin protected and balanced.

Experts say you don’t have to choose a moisturizer or sunscreen with added anti-blemish ingredients, but you should try to use gentle and non-comedogenic (won’t clog pores). Neutrogena ® Hydro Boost ® Hydrating Facial Fluid with SPF 25 will give your skin the hydration it demands—and the protection it needs.

Once you have assembled your entire anti-blemish arsenal and income your first ladders on combating them, the key is consistency. If your symptoms persist, it’s probably best to see a dermatologist. But in most cases, if you give your skin the time it needs, you’ll enjoy smooth, blemish-free skin for the rest of your life.