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Author: glamourgenix

Puffy eyes
Beauty and Fashion

Puffy eyes, dark circles, redness and burning eyes

Puffy eyes, dark circles, redness and burning eyes – Everything you need to know about their possible causes and how to keep them under control Have you ever had puffy eyes, dark circles, redness or burning eyes? These bothersome symptoms have many possible causes. BETTER VISION explains:…

How to cure eyelid dermatitis_
Beauty and Fashion

How to cure eyelid dermatitis?

How to cure eyelid dermatitis – The skin of the eyelids is a very delicate area that can be affected for different reasons. Dermatitis is one of the pathologies that frequently appear in them, and there are different types of dermatitis on the eyelids and other…

How to lead a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy

How to lead a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy

How to lead a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy When you find out that you are pregnant, we recommend that… 1.- Follow the prenatal obstetric controls rigorously. 2.- Control your diet by maintaining a balanced, varied, complete diet. 3.- Say goodbye to alcohol. 4.- Stop smoking…

Eating disorders
Fitness, Lifestyle

Eating disorders

Eating disorders – Anorexia is an unfortunately well-known eating disorder. Many people think it is the only one, but this is not true. In addition, there are many myths about TCAs that we will debunk below. Eating behaviour disorder (ED), what is it? It is…

Beauty and Fashion, Products

Top 5 Retinol Creams of 2022

Retinol Creams – Skincare is one of the topics of great interest today. Hence the importance of knowing the elements that contribute to keeping the skin in its best conditions. One such element is retinol. To obtain all the positive effects, you can use retinol…


Calisthenics: Definition, Benefits And Exercises

Calisthenics is an increasingly popular exercise practice. Although it has become known in recent years, it is an ancient form of training. It involves great resistance. In city areas, it is public to see facilities that favor calisthenics. It is important to note that having…


All about Avocado: Properties, Benefits, and Calories

All about Avocado: Properties, Benefits, and Calories – Avocado has been one of the most fashionable foods for some years now. It has become one of the favourite fruits to be part of our breakfasts and make guacamole or as part of salads. In addition,…

Lose Weight
Fitness, Lifestyle

15 Tips to Lose Weight Beyond Diets

Lose Weight – Eating a healthy diet is essential to losing weight, but following some tips and tricks will also help you in this new stage of losing weight. When we want to reach a certain weight, we try to do everything in our power…