How long should you exercise according to your goals: be healthy, lose weight or gain muscle – You know you have to exercise to be healthy. But you may have the question of how long you really should be training to achieve it.

It all depends on your goals, type of activity and physical condition, although general guidelines indicate that you should exercise at least 30 minutes daily.

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How much time you should spend exercising depends on several factors.

On the one hand, the type of activity you do, because a HIT training session does not have the same intensity as going for a walk with your dog.

Of course, your physical condition also comes into play here. Well, as much as you want to

spend hours in the gym to burn more calories or gain muscle, this cannot be done if you are in poor shape. Since your body may not resist and could even be dangerous.

Ultimately it will also influence your goal. Whether it’s about staying healthy, you want to lose weight or doing sports to gain muscle.

Of course, any amount of exercise you get will be better than none. That being said, the answer to how long you should exercise will depend on your state of health and your goal.

How much exercise should you do to be healthy?

The physical activity guidelines set by health governments such as the WHO can help you understand ​​the time you should exercise.

They serve as the most minor rules to combat the effects of a sedentary lifestyle. These are framed according to age groups.

For the average adult, they set 150 minutes to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical movement a week.

Or about 75 records towards 150 minutes of vigorous aerobic physical activity. The organization also proposes the possibility of an equivalent combination amid both rhythms. It also recommended performing forte doings that ultimately include muscle groups for two or more days a week.

Several aspects, such as the increase in the rate of breathing, heart rate or temperature, can help you identify the strength of the workout you are doing.

To give you an idea, according to the Ministry of Health, the moderate intensity does not impede the ability to speak and allows you to feel the pulse in the chest or wrist quickly.

Also, it can hold for countless notes without producing extreme fatigue or exhaustion in healthy people.

More specifically, the Mayo Clinic describes walking briskly, spinning or mowing the lawn as modest aerobic exercise activities, while running or dancing catalogues them as intense action.

Strength training can include using heavy machines, dumbbells, or your body weight.

According to these guidelines, your goal for being healthy should involve at least 30 notes of moderate physical activity each day.

It is also essential to income into account the time you devote to sitting. The more hours you’re inactive, the higher your risk of metabolic problems, so be sure to move daily.

How much exercise to do to lose weight

To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you take in. So your diet is a significant factor.

So is exercise. Both encourage energy expenditure and prevent muscle mass loss and the ricochet effect.

t is convenient that you intercalate cardiovascular and strength training. The former will improve your health, while the latter will make you gain lean muscle, which will partly increase your metabolism.

I am rendering to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) that you should take at least work out for 150 to 250 notes a week to lose heaviness.

Healthline recommends doing 30 minutes of moderate-intensity cardiovascular activity at least five days a week (150 notes a week) or 25 minutes of intense aerobic movement three days a week (75 minutes a week).

Duration of your workout when looking to gain muscle

Do not make the mistake of linking the exercise that activates the muscles to look like the Hulk.

With age, muscle mass is lost, so the recommendation to include strength training frequently in your routine to reduce this impact.