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Dry skin Write For Us

Dry Skin Write For Us

Dry Skin, called Xerosis in medical terms, is a condition in which the Skin appears cracked, rough, aged, tight, scaly, and less elastic. The prevalence of Xerosis increases physiologically with age, but it can also manifest different diseases of the entire human organism, whether cutaneous or systemic.
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What is the Main Symptom of Xerosis or Dry Skin?

Based on the fact that a symptom is a personal sign that helps to reveal a disease, we can say that the main symptom of Xerosis is pruritus.
In any case, it must take into account that although pruritus in the absence of a noticeable skin rash is a typical symptom of Xerosis, it does not mean that it is only related to Xerosis since pruritus is a non-specific symptom that can be present in many entities.

What happens at the Microscopic Level in Xerosis?

The most superficial part of the skin, the epidermis, is made up of four layers (five on the palms and soles) that are constantly evolving and maturing and which, in turn, are intimately connected and communicated with each other and with the underlying skin structures through specific molecules and substances, which are of increasing importance for the understanding of different skin pathologies.
In Xerosis or Dry Skin, there is an alteration of both the cellular elements of the skin and the concentration and formation of said substances, which together lead to the characteristic appearance of Dry Skin.

The Pathophysiology of Xerosis is of Particular Relevance:

Alteration of the maturation process from keratinocytes in the stratum spinosum to corneocytes in the stratum corneum (the most superficial), resulting in lower-quality corneocytes. The decrease in the concentration of filaggrin with age, a protein whose degradation produces amino acids and salts that hydrate the Skin.
The qualitative and quantitative alteration of the lipids (ceramides, cholesterol, and essential fatty acids) that form from the content of the lamellar bodies of the cells of the stratum granulosum. These lipids are arranged between the stratum corneum cells and contribute to maintaining the Skin’s hydration, structure, and resistance.
The decrease in the concentration of growth factors released by cells underlying the epidermis (especially by fibroblasts) stimulates the keratinocyte differentiation process.
The decrease in the concentration of enzymes of the stratum corneum that cooperate in transforming filaggrin, lipids, and other molecules of the same stratum helps keep the skin hydrated and cohesive.

 What Factors Condition Xerosis?

Three factors mainly condition the fact of having Dry Skin:
Environmental, chemical, and physical factors can produce Xerosis and are especially important in its prevention and stabilization.

What Diseases Manifest with Xerosis?

Diseases can cause Xerosis either by themselves or due to the drugs prescribed for their treatment. Some examples of medications that cause Xerosis are retinoids, antineoplastics, and antiretrovirals.
Xerosis occurs paradoxically in summer due to the use of air conditioners that provide cold and dry air.
Senile Skin. It occurs in over 75% of people over 75 and is the most frequent cause of pruritus without skin lesions. It typically begins in the pretibial area and worsens after bathing in hot water, changes in temperature, decreased humidity, and detergents. Entities such as contact dermatitis, chronic lichen simplex, and urticaria cause a lot of itching with consequent scratching and aggravation of the skin lesion, producing more dryness and itching.

How can I Prevent my Skin from Being Dry?

In daily skin care, using moisturizers and soaps with an acidic pH is essential. A mixed diet rich in vegetables and fruits with high gratified vitamins A, B, C, and D provides the necessary minerals and vitamins for healthy Skin.
Physical exercise also contributes to more hydrated Skin since it favors vasodilation and consequent improvement in blood supply. It is advisable to wear soft, natural, and loose clothing to prevent skin irritation. Likewise, factors that age the Skin should be avoided, such as sun exposure, tobacco, and alcohol.

What Treatments can be Applied for Xerosis?

Knowing the mechanisms involved in Xerosis (detailed above), it can be deduced that the treatment of Dry Skin must act not only on the outermost layer of the Skin but also deeper, from where the growth and maintenance of complete and healthy Skin are. That is why the “inside out” treatment method is now being postulated by applying products that penetrate the Skin and act from within.
In the same way, it is essential to interrupt the itch-scratch cycle in those people with itching to avoid continuous skin damage caused by scratching.
For the correct skin water balance, both moisturizers and moisturizers are available. Humectants retain or help retain moisture, while hydration supplies or restores water to the Skin, thus playing a more active role. The latter should always be administered under the advice of a specialist. It is essential to apply these emollients right after getting out of the shower when the Skin is most hydrated; it is the largest organ.
It plays a dynamic role in regulating body temperature and acts as a barrier to protect the body against infection. Its ability to act as an effective shield depends on maintaining an optimal hydration level. However, certain parts are prone to dehydration. When Skin is dry, its ability to retain moisture is impaired, and it is less effective in doing its job. It can be noticeable and look stiff, red, rough, scaly, itchy, and, in extreme cases, it can even crack. Routine skin care and specific products for severe dehydration will help restore health.
Generally, Dry Skin is very harmless and easily remedied. A good cream will suffice to solve the problem. But suppose your epidermis continues to remain rough and dehydrated. In that case, you feel itchy, and no matter how much lotion you apply without feeling any relief or other strange symptoms accompanying your skin problems not explained, the intelligent thing to do is consult your doctor to try to solve the problem.

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  • why write for dry skinWriting for Glamor Genix can expose your Website to customers looking for a Dry Skin.
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Search Terms Related to Dry Skin Write For Us

  • How to treat Dry Skin on the face
  • Why is my Skin so dry and smooth when I dampen
  • How to remove internal dryness from the body
  • Dry Skin treatment at home
  • Extremely Dry Skin on the face
  • What causes Dry Skin
  • What causes Dry Skin on the face
  • Dry, flaky Skin
  • How to cure Dry Skin on the face instant
  • Home medications for Dry Skin on the face
  • How to restore Dry Skin on the face overnight home remedies
  • Why is my Skin so dry even when I dampen
  • How to get clear of dry, peeling Skin on the face instantly
  • Dry skin on the face
  • Causes of dry skin all over body
  • How to treat dry skin on face
  • Dry skin symptoms
  • Eczema dry skin
  • Why is my skin so dry and flaky all of a sudden
  • Dry skin on legs
  • What causes dry skin on legs

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